Brace Yourself for a Thrilling and Stylish Odyssey with Aliyah. A Daring and Captivating Expedition into the Vast Skies of Aviation & Beyond! Contact for all work opportunities/collaborations and enquiries/requests for services now :D! The Future is Here. Please Note, Availibility is Limited. Love Aliyah :D X.

Ali's Fault-Finding/Engineering/Research Projects

🌟✨💫❤️*Growing in confidence in my mechanical fault-finding skills/whilst educating myself further in electronics & learning electronics*✨🙏🏻🌟🥚💜.

2024- Vehicle 🚗 Automotive Intermittent Indicator Fault;

🚦Indicator fault in my vehicle
🚦Carried out research to get ideas
🚦Researched alternative resolutions rather than just straight to replacing unit
🚦Once I had the time and the fault was occurring I began maintenance
🚦I ensured no electronic power was flowing or had been recently flowing in the vehicle by having the car turned off for a while before starting
🚦Removed [_]nuts and [_] washers
🚦The unit required a jiggle shimmy out of the housing/its placement
[I carried out with great care as I knew it was still electronically connected/I wasn't sure exactly how much wiring length I had to just go & yank it out]
🚦Once majority removed...
🚦Still electronically connected whilst I was holding it
🚦Carefully disconnected the electrical connector [Last item joining the unit to the vehicle]
🚦The unit was free to carry around as I wanted now
🚦I placed the unit carefully on a protective cover whilst checking on my main electrical connector
🚦Used electrical cleaner - I cleaned out my electrical plugs/connectors
🚦I wiped away all excess residue
🚦Waited a lil minute to dry
🚦I inspected any/all electrical pins and looked for any obvious signs of damage that could point to a cause [From research I was aware of an issue that could be causing but it's worth to double check!]
🚦Blanked my electrical connections on both my vehicle electrical wiring side and my removed component ensuring safety whilst I continued to investigate
🚦Lil water so I drained out [summer]
🚦Nothing out of place
🚦Decided to install again, see if the little disassembly and clean resolved the issue?
🚦Removed my blanks
🚦Quick lil inspect on install just in case
🚦Installed my unit
🚦Tightened my [_] Nuts

❤️✨🚦It worked - Yay! - nothing intermittent anymore!!

💫🛞🚦Monitoring for any further faults/if becomes intermittent again will investigate & update!🚦🛞✨🌟🌟🌟🥳🎉!



🖨️💡🤔🎬PRINTER FIXING 🎬💡🤔🖨️!!!!!!

💫Connect My Phone💫
💜Carried Out Trial Print💜
☹️Thumbs down 👎🏻 As Last Time.. Barely printed anything on the page.. has a good amount of ink so should have no problems.😶
🕵️‍♀️I researched some ideas to start with. 🔎
🪄I looked through my printer maintenance options for ideas💡
🧐I decided to run a ‘nozzle check’
[I’ve never ran one before so wasn’t 100% sure what I was looking for..]🧐
🤨…After using Google images I found the one closest to my printer module [I would never use this process/Google Images when working on aircraft for instance.. But.. this a lil different situation we’re all agreed!!
👍🏻 The closest example I could find was showing that I was definitely missing some colours/bit patchy..😬
🔎🔦👀Following through the menu on my printer.. I went through the options…
🎬I was able to set the printer to ‘clean the nozzle heads’ [Approx 3 minutes] ⏰
⏲️I let this run.⏲️
🫧“Cleaning complete”🧼
💫I was then able to select either ‘finish’ OR.. run another nozzle check…
🧐🕵️‍♀️Of course I selected another nozzle check!! No idea if it’s working or not yet!
🥴I had something completely different come out the printer… showing yet further info was missing from the nozzle check/I didn’t even know was meant to be there.
😶I decided to let the printer run another self cleaning program as overall it was improving.
⏰Approx 3 Minutes Later...⏰
🩹Yet Again..
🫧“Finish” or “nozzle check” ?????
🧼Nozzle check of course duh. 🙄
Why Would We Run A Further Check?
We’ve Already Done That?? You ask?
🥸[In case anyone is confused why we are running ?ANOTHER? self maintenance cycle].
🔁✅ Even though we carried out the ‘nozzle check’ we still aren’t 100% sure if it’s fully working yet or not!
We can’t be confident in our work yet!
Of course we are going to choose to run a functional test before ‘releasing to service’”…
Is there a chance it might have been ok without a further check?
Yes - ‘A’ Chance…
BUT!… then we’d be disappointed when it doesn’t print in accordance with how it should.
Personal Working Standards!
Not being in the business of risk🤔😉 what harm does it do to do one further check?
Approx 3 minutes!
That’s It!
Then you are and can be 100% confident in your work quality.
A full/definite resolution. 3 minutes extra to be certain that your component/system is 100% Safe, Works How It Should/a chance for a final check over [which is super important for most industries!]
🎉🎊💡!!! TO BE CONTINUED…!!!💡🥇🎊🎁🎉.

🍞 Mechanical Toaster Fault 🥯

🐢🤎Went to make my breakfast… TOASTER WAS NOT WORKING PROPERLY/handle was jammed..I was hungry. 🐢🤎.


🫐Had Yogs & Fruit For Breakfast Instead (I don’t trust toasters so I left it turned off all day disconnected from the wall before touching it lol).


🍪1️⃣ I Shook All My Old Crumbs Out ~ 🥴.


2️⃣🎬 Got My Torch 🔦To See If There Was Anything Obvious Causing The Holdup On My Food?


3️⃣🎞️ The Bread/Toast Holder Mechanism Had Come Out Of Its Track…


4️⃣I Collected My Plastic Cutlery Set [Plastic is an insulator so even if there was any ___ left it wouldn’t travel through me/Removing any ‘danger’]


5️⃣📈Using My Plastic Cutlery Set, I Realigned The Toaster Holder Back Into Its Track. Toaster Metal is weak so easily moved about with plastic cutlery.


6️⃣🕕I Then Ate My Toast. 😄.





 ✏️Pencil 📏Measure 🔨Hammer. Wall Fixings. Spirit Level.

[Basically Putting A Picture Frame Up - No Drill] [[Check YOUR wall/area to see if YOU need a drill or not]]



🤎Prep & Organise yourself as best as you can before actually hammering anything etc.


🐢Measure up🐢


🐢Measure up again🐢🔦


🐥Stand Back🐥


📐Spirit Level ~ USE IT. 📏 Not sure if anyone else does this but if you have a little spirit level.. you can try taping it to your tape measure whilst measuring up.


🌊*Put The Fixing[s] In🔨


🙏🏻🐢Fingers crossed… you have your picture frame 🖼️ up wherever you wanted it!



💫If it’s not ‘perfect’.. don’t worry, as long as you are content! [If you’re doing one for someone else then it does matter quite a bit more lol].💫


Special Note:

Whatever Fixing[s] you are using to attach your frame to your wall.. ensure that you know as best as you can/for definite that these are strong enough to hold the frame up and will be secure enough in the wall/area to prevent any fall downs!


 !SPIRIT LEVELS! Make Sureeeeee You Quickly Google & Understand [Key Word Being Understand lol] What a Spirit Level Is and How It Works To Make Sure You Get The Result You Are After!🔨🐥🐢.

