Brace Yourself for a Thrilling and Stylish Odyssey with Aliyah. A Daring and Captivating Expedition into the Vast Skies of Aviation & Beyond! Contact for all work opportunities/collaborations and enquiries/requests for services now :D! The Future is Here. Please Note, Availibility is Limited. Love Aliyah :D X.

Aliyah's Blog :D

!!!!!!! 🕊️. !!


Ali Creative Writing In Progress
1st Attempt

Mini Post!😁✨🌟💫Learning 2 Cut My Hair -


Definitely A Process - Same As Learning Any Skill!😁!


✂️Awkward at first but honestly really enjoy doing this now//slowly getting better at it!

✂️I/For me, much more convenient/less stressful on soo many levels if you can just about do it and then improve skillset/technique for your hair over time :)

✂️I think hairdressers are 10,000%🔋 needed Just personally/pour moi.


T. Swift. 🙌🏻.

Creative Writing Extract by Ali Industries 🦅☀️💟🤍🕊️🪽🌺
She saw it
She knew she did
Why did nobody else???
Her mind ran through the forest as she was certain she was going to faint… but she was certain she had seen it! Where had it gone?
If only she could just get it together long enough to capture a mental image. Surely she would be able to-
Being as self-aware as one was with the heightened abilities of her bloodline, she realised she was perspiring a crazy amount and had completely zoned out for a time.
Realising she had about 5 seconds to compose herself before appearing to have completely lost it this time, she quickly pulled on her shirt, took 5 deep breaths in through her nose exhaling gently through her mouth which began to calm her entire body..
Today was an important day, not meant to be sprinting mentally & physically on the chase.
If they found out she had completely neglected her responsibilities, there would be repercussions.
She was just completely unable to neglect the fact that capturing one image meant she would be able to compare with the studious twins Sedrick & Selwyn.
They would believe her - they already did.
Obsessed, she realised she had to leave it for today.
Her little sister, Koi came sprinting through the thicket.
“Where have you been? Everyone is looking for you you know how important today is!”
In truth, Harmony did know it was ‘technically’ an important day but as lost in the forest and dream state mental landscape as she often was, combined with tradition occasionally boring her she had needed to escape this morning no matter the formalities of being next in line.
The awkward realisation that she had in fact been gone for more than 11 hours and dusk was setting in hit her. The loss of self-control was embarrassing.
“Harmony, Colvyr is going to be fuming. Look at you! You are meant to be in formal wears for the ceremony. We are meeting the ____ today c’mon!”

Cushion Cover Making With Ali Industries. My old cushion I made is a lil worn but it gives the idea. The little 3 dot symbol means ‘therefore’ in Mathematics. It is useful for engineering//quick note taking. 🌺☀️🦙🤍zzz.
.🐉🀄️Original Incinerate/Ali Industries Designs. 😤. 🕊️🦅🪽.
Lil Sketch :).

⚪️🤎What Can You Do If Other People Stop Or Try To Stop/Withdraw Your Education You Have A Right To?⚪️🤎
  1. You Cannot Control Other People.
  2. You Can Only Focus On Yourself.
  3. Somebody Was Probably Mean To Them Once & They’ve Never Gotten Over It So Have Become A Power Trip Bully.
  4. They May Change Over Time Or They Might Not But We Are Focused On Ourselves So We Don’t Care.
  5. They Would’ve Done It To Anybody, It Just Happened To Be You @ That Time.
  6. Pick Up What You Have, Keep Going, Keep Learning & Stay Focused.
  7. Keep Detailed Records 24/7..
  8. Focus On Self-Care 💆 
  9. If Anger Appears ~ Go To The Gym Or Join Army Cadets Running Around In Mud Or Hike A Mountain 🏔️ or Two ⛰️Or Dance 💃 🕺Or Read 📚A Tonne Of Books Both Fiction and Non-Fiction. Read The Bible✝️Artwork, 🎨Kickboxing, 🥊Baking, 🧁Shooting [LEGALLY]🔫 WoodWorking, 🔨Shopping, 🏬Decorate An Area, 🖌️Hang Out With Animals, 🐾Sing,🎤 Have a Salt 🧂OR Ice 🧊Bath,🛁 Play Team Sports, 🏏⚽️Go To The Library, 📚Learn a Language, Go Swimming,🏊‍♂️ Plan Summer Trips,🌅☀️ Listen To Music, 🎵Watch a Film/Cinema, 🎬Skincare, Go To The Gym Twice, Yoga With Llamas!🦙🧘🏼‍♀️[I Have Tried This] Basically Find a Positive Outlet, Maybe Multiple Outlets lol [That Are Non-Damaging 2 Others].
    Basically, Any Time They Are Mean To You, Get More Productive.


✝️🐬🪁🦋Happy Sunday X Ali Industries;✝️🪭🦙🥤🍓🖤

1st Attempt at homemade ginger juice with added mint and strawberry. 🫚🍓 . Used Leftovers For Water Bottle Ice Cubes 🧊.

🍀✝️Music is a really great outlet if you experience a lot of bullying. 🍀✝️




Practising Getting My DuoLingo Streak Back.. 

-So Far…-


ils parlent sans raison

Even Being a Mechanically biased..

✨Aircraft 👩‍🔧 Mechanic🔧✨

✨Any Kind of


✨Hands-On Engineer..

✨Engineering Technician..


✨Cover your electrical contacts & connectors as best you can when carrying out maintenance to prevent further damage & contamination!

✨🛫Specifically For My Aircraft Folk & Trainees - Always Remember your EWIS Training, Apprenticeship Training & Tool Husbandry 🧰
Training & get putting it to work my guys😎✨🛫 !


And..if you’re not sure.. give yourself options & variation with your tooling!







    #Dog-Snacks! Snack Ideas For Your Furry Friend(s)!




    Ways to get into their diet?
    • Blueberries!!

    1. Vitamin C/Brain Function/Antioxidants!
    Mixed in Other Foods OR just as hand to them snack - my dog personally really enjoys blueberries so it is easy.
    • Pineapple!!

    1. Immune System & Gut/Digestive Health
    My dog enjoys all of these snacks so I will be having a snack and I just share with him once I've had my snack. 
    • Bananas!!

    1. High in fibre & magnesium!
    My dog used to love bananas but has really gone off of them.. Mixing into food or adding with a bit of doggy peanut butter is really cool!
    • Carrots!!

    1. Dental health/Potassium/Vitamin A
    His fur coat is lovely condition from even having a carrot added into his diet on a regular basis 
    • Eggs!!

    1. Protein/Vitamin B2 & B12
    I have scrambled eggs and I make a bit more extra and share with my dog.




    Happy Friyay..!

    Ali Adventure Chapters.


    Health & Safety PSA…

    Rare Ali Industries PSA:

    It is a privilege to have health and safety genuinely enforced and encouraged at work - be grateful, embrace it and encourage your peers.

    Can it go too far sometimes?


    ..Most stuff can ~ Keep each other accountable.


    It is literally there for your personal benefit to prevent injury, life long conditions & death ☠️ yourself & peers included as per the act of 1974.

    Why do companies encourage it? What is their benefit? Well.. it’s not a good look if people are being injured every other second is it? Plus depending on how severe it is you’d have no workforce left. The law is exceptionally strong and clear on health and safety. They also have a healthier workforce so yes it does benefit them to a similar degree. 

    For you:

    Following policy enables you to be in better health for longer both inside and outside of work. Just think of it as you’re getting paid to spend that extra 2 minutes to put your PPE [Personal Protective Equipment] on.

    If there is something you think is really super silly or causing more harm than good then go and suggest an idea/alternative/bare minimum being to raise your concerns. If you don’t raise your voice and ask for change to even be considered the change won’t even start.

    There’s nothing cool about developing preventable chronic illnesses or having others injured.

     To finish this as I started ~ having H&S genuinely enforced to a strong extent is a privilege ~ please take advantage.

    Stop complaining, do your training with genuine interest and intent & put your PPE on.

    & Remember to raise your concerns/voice if you don’t agree with something or have ideas to improve a process or policy.

    Companies Want Your Ideas.


    With Love From Ali 😁.
    x x x.

    Do. Not. Leave. Your. Dreams. ♥️❤️💡💙💗💜💖💛💚.


    GOD. That is all. ❤️.❤️.❤️.❤️.💛.💚.

    Happy Friday… or should I say… FRIYAYYYYYYY!!!. 😄😄!!

    Little bit of inspo for anybody who really needs to get going today…..

    or…if you’d prefer something more mellow you could potentially listen to my tinyyyy covers on soundcloud (link 👇)..

    •A’s Interlude•…

    LOVE ALIIII xxxx 😄😄🦖🦖🧲 🧲..



    Aliyah Industries...

    ~ Recording Results Before They Were Printed ~





    The problem with a pale imitation is just that.. it's a pale imitation. lol.


    Feb -

    Spread Love: Hope everyone has a great & fun day! Don't let anyone bring you down. Keep going team!!





    Interesting Thought for the Day:

    I'm a peace loving individual/having a thought or daring to share nowadays is quite a scary concept so tend to shy away from sharing but thought I'd be brave..

    Government needs more money to fund the country. Looking at other ways to tax etc. Always needs more money... could go swings & roundabouts on this/the government in general.

    Multiple industries have hundreds if not thousand(s) of vacancies for what some describe as 'hidden' roles - a lot being-in or linked to an engineering/tech field// some being very specific skilled jobs and some do not have requirements quite as specific.

    Some industries, such as engineering or tech - does not matter the sector (Civil/Aviation/Precision Measurement/Mechanical/Electrical etc etc) have a wide issue of an ageing workforce. The majority of the workforce will be retired, retiring or could easily just decide to retire or not even turn up to tomorrow/easily within the next 5/10 years - give or take.

    If you haven't filled the skills gap in the meantime (that I've been told since year 7 when visited by allll of the engineering companies pushing for 'young' people & 'Girls' specifically (probably because that's 50% of the population of potential workers that haven't been tapped into yet) to go into these fields constantly throughout years 7-Sixth Form)... where is your industry going to be in a couple of years? Why are people appearing to be so short-sighted about the issue?

    Granted - people need to pass requirements to be hired//understandable you can't just hand out skilled jobs like candy and there are certain things that some individuals may be physically able to do that others cannot but, similarly, excluding part of the future workforce from employment - especially when they are educated to the level qualified and are in general a fit, healthy individual(s) meaning that are able to contribute higher taxes that the UK economy needs to reduce the burden for everyone overall.. but instead you have a ton of vacancies - ?????????. Where is the logic?

    Not all - but - there are a good amount of vacancies left purely from prejudice - no matter the specific characteristic why - be it age/race/religion/gender etc. Leaving a huge skills gap that might not be in your direct line of sight today but that is growing steadily in the background. It is not even that far into the future when it all comes to a head.

    You could say it is a prime example of a latent failure - not only directly affecting individual companies but then, entire industries overall damaging the UK tax & economy structure by keeping skilled workers out of higher tax paying jobs out of prejudice. 

    If there were not hundreds of vacancies and a dire need to fill this it would be a different conversation and I wouldn't be able to make my point. 

    There are healthy, educated, proactive individuals trying to work for the UK workforce literally being excluded from paying higher tax out of prejudice. The ones that are not directly affected by prejudice have left almost immediately after qualifying due to immense bullying inbuilt into the culture or they might try to make it work for a period of time for a job they love but end up leaving for the same reason anyway. 

    In a generic final statement - everyone has to go to work in some form, unfortunately we have to exchange our time for money in some way, that is factually the world we live in.

    Everyone has been told to 'find something you love and you'll never work a day in your life' Why is this ok for certain individuals to get to do that whilst others who are qualified to the same or even higher standards in the same field are not allowed the luxury? They ticked the same boxes and some, even more boxes. And, in your process, you've taken the little bit of pure joy that those people had from being able to work a job that ticked that box and they didn't mind so much having to go to that job everyday to put food on their tables that feed their families.

    Both in and out of work, a lot of individuals who were excellent & hard workers, wanting to do a good job and enjoyed their job and wanted to do that job for the rest of their life. Instead they have to either find something else entirely or side step into a role that doesn't feed their soul because the environment is too damaging. And in 5-10 years, when you need a workforce who is going to be there? Everyone else has had to move on, they tried to provide their services time and time again and you just said no. The latent workforce you think might come back just might not.

    And let's not talk about trying to move workers from other engineering sectors when everyone is doing the same thing to everyone else. Trying to pull anyone with any mediocre hands-on mechanical experience to a different sector. Every sector is literally doing the same and all of them are paying good/decent money.

    You need to schuuuzzz it up a bit as well as to stop telling kids to go to and get excited about engineering and then when they get there being all green-eyed, bushy-tailed and raring to go excited about their super cool new job they've been waiting since year 7 for then you just bully the crap out of them - some people physically injuring others because of jealousy - until they leave then complain you've got no workers or workforce. You need to understand that, factually, there are other industries outside of engineering paying just as much, if not moresometimes for doing a lot less - (person dependent) - and if not that, sometimes the ' great money' is just not worth it if your life is being ruined and dragged through the mud every day that you have to go and exchange your time for money at work to put the food on your table. And you got excited about something that others complain about all day - why don't the people who are excited about the job get to stay as those are the individuals that encourage more people to work there naturally without even trying as opposed to the 'pushing away culture' reigning king whenever anyone tries to join engineering - in any capacity. 

    Engineering, in any side of it, is meant to have fresh ideas and new thoughts. That is how we move forward as humans. Some areas are definitely progressing better than others and doing really well for themselves. But for the remainder... where is all the progression and idea making I was told about as a child? About all the exciting stories of the great inventors? When did the bullies take charge? When did the ideas stop? Engineering could be seen like practical passion but where is the love for it nowadays? We're still telling kids at school through job fairs and free pens and PowerPoint presentations to go into engineering, they're excited but then they walk in and it's all dreary and weary?? It's such an exciting area to work in and could be marketed/everyone's daily lives having to go to work could be so much better!! Research has already proven that bullying  - negatively affects companies financially and hopefully parliament will move forward with more in the future. (Not talking about banter - talking about beating people up and destroying others' work and reputation).

    Although manual handling doesn’t have legally set limits, there are nationally known safe lifting limits everyone who’s ever had the pleasure of manual handling knows about. Anything considered unsafe is, however, illegal. Most half decently fit people can safely lift the safe lifting limit. There’s lifting equipment for past that. You’re not meant to go outside of the limit guideline.. that’s considered unsafe and increases risks of injury.. why else is there training & refresher training and set safe limits? And the Health & Safety at Work Act of 1974.

    Just a thought.


    Aliyah Industries:

    Easy, Convenient & Affordable ways to get more fruit and veg into your diet:🥰✌🏻🍎.

    You want at least 1-2 big Tupperware containers and then minimum 4-5 smaller portion Tupperware containers that you can portion out your pre prepped stuff into so then you can just chuck into your bag for work/school. Honestly I’d just buy at least 15 smaller Tupperware containers. Seems a lot but once you’re in your little routine it’s soo much easier to have a good diet that overall makes you feel better than you would otherwise day-to-day. 

    So the following can be chopped and kept in a big container in the fridge for usually at least 4 days.


    So you want to be looking at either pre~pepped carrot batons (shorter lifespan) orrrr a bag of carrots that literally sometimes go for 15p and just growing up and eating the carrot skin without peeling.

    Chop up your own carrot batons in less than 5minutes and chuck in a container. Depending on the size of the container could have multiple vegetables in the same big container ~ up to you make your own decisions ✌🏻👍🏻💕.


    Celery sticks - pack of celery. Chop it. Chuck in a container and it’s good for usually 4 days easy - same as carrots unless you unfortunately get a bad batch.


    Apple & Grape Bags -

    Currently, I personally advise to buy the pre-prepared apple and grape bags. Sometimes they are 30p or sometimes cheaper and honestly I think the time saving makes it value for money. It’s almost identically like for like but it’s so much easier. The dates on them are reeeeally good.


    Pineapple 🍍

    Buy a big pineapple

    The biggest you can find

    Chop & dice into chunks

    Chuck in a container

    Portion into your lunch pots

    Goooood to goooo. ✌🏻👍🏻💕.

    Love Ali xxxxxx❤️🩵💕🥰😄.


    Aliyah Recommends!!!

    I have p e r s o n a l l y  found huge benefits to regularly eating celery. 

    It’s a weird flavour to try and eat everyday but personally seen huge improvements to my asthma and proven improvement on my medicals taken this year. Still not all the way healed but a huge reduction in my daily medicine dose.

    After doing some more research it turns out celery not only potentially reduces asthma symptoms but also has many other health benefits. 

    ~ Celery is considered to potentially have properties that are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant potentially also having properties to combat cancer. POTENTIALLY - I AM NOT A QUALIFIED CELERY EXPERT I HAVE FOUND PERSONAL BENEFITS AND DONE SOME GENERAL RESEARCH MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS PEEPS ~


    If you think you may benefit from adding more celery in your diet carry out some research, find out if you are allergic or not etc make sure it’s right for you 👍🏻👍🏻✌🏻.




    (BUT I have personally seen a massive improvement to my asthma & it might help someone else). Just be careful as celery is one of the 14 allergens 👍🏻.


    Love Ali 🥰💕✌🏻Xxx



    If you’re ill.. double up on your vapour rub!😁😋:


    1 Teaspoon of Honey

    1 Big Pinch of Fresh or Frozen Grated Ginger

    Fresh Lemon Juice or Lemon Segment if you have one

    The rest - hot water

    big mix in mug. 

    Evenings 🌠:


    1 Chamomile Bag

    1 Tea Spoon of Honey

    1 Big Pinch of Fresh or Frozen Grated Ginger

    The Rest - Hot Water

    big mix in mug. 

    Aliyah Industries Cosy Nightime Routine For Quality Rest 😴 x




    ~ Vicks or Own Brand VapourRub

    You’d be surprised at how much better you will sleep and wake up feeling more refreshed. If you’re not ill just a little every night or every other night does plenty. 

    ~ Lavender Essential Oil

    A few drops ish on pillow case 5-10 mins before sleep.

    ~ Satin or Silk Pillowcase(s)

    Super soft. promotes hair growth/maintenance. Just is nice need I say more. 

    ~ Satin or Silk Eye Mask (Optional)

    Some people this can be a hinderance.

    ~ Chamomile Tea (1-2 teabags in 1 cup, double up to 2 teabags to really knock you out).

    Every day without fail. So many benefits.

    ~ Night Outfit you’re happy in. Ideally cotton to wick away your night sweats.


    Winter Edition:

    Electric Blanket - set to 3 for 30 minutes before bed then set to 1 for all night sleep.


    Christmas Edition:

    Going down to Christmas lights at home a couple of hours before bed will make you happy and will help your body adjust ready for sleep.



    Daily Multivitamins/Vitamin D/B12/Iron (Evaluate yourself on your personal needs for dose size-you decide whether you take vitamins or not and how much dose you are personally going to choose for yourself) these contribute to healthy sleep patterns & quality rest.


    Night mode on your phone asap after your working day is done.



    No phone time for 1-2 hours before bed but if using phone turn brightness down & ensure night mode is on.


    Bonus 2:

    Fresh Clean sheets!!!

    & Sherpa Blanket!!!



    Make your own decisions 

    <3 <3 <3

    Aliyah Embarks on a New Adventure..

    Guess Who's Creative Spark Came Back! The Future is Here.

    Have a Great Day :).