Brace Yourself for a Thrilling and Stylish Odyssey with Aliyah. A Daring and Captivating Expedition into the Vast Skies of Aviation & Beyond! Contact for all work opportunities/collaborations and enquiries/requests for services now :D! The Future is Here. Please Note, Availibility is Limited. Love Aliyah :D X.


EXPERIENCE Including, but not limited to;
  • Project Lead: PSV Workshop Ramp Relocation.

  • Project Lead: PSV Supply Stores Renovation.

  • Project Lead: PSV Workshop Layout Improvements, Re-Organisation + Clean-Up.

  • DAILY PROJECT: Reduction Of Daily Part Costs Through Multiple Supplier Enquiries + Comparison To Ensure Best Deal.
  • Project Assist: Significant Cost Reduction Annual PSV Tyre Supply.

 *Currently no permission to post before and after photos [I have asked].*



EDUCATION Including, but not limited to;
  • QLS Level 3 Project Management, All Units Completed, 2x Multiple Choice Tests Completed at 91% and 83% respectively. Assignments to be finalised.

 From my *personal* experience I have encountered, what I can only describe as, extreme challenges in the workplace. Due to sheer instability with any employment at all after embarking on my level 3 engineering apprenticeship that was my dream job and then to be pushed out of that leading to present day where continuing to try my best etc I bought this Level 3 course to try and improve job stability options.

I have done my best to complete within the timeframe of access granted to course content with whatever my circumstances have been etc but expiration date runs out soon I can't see it getting signed off for a certificate before expiry. You can go read my LI and see the ''journey'' it's been the past 12 months alone as to maybe why this hasn't been signed off. Going to take my own advice for what to do when other people disrupt/stop/prevent your education and just pick up what you have and keep going. I have read every unit, passed the 2 multiple choice tests throughout the modules to a decently high pass mark and have put Project Management into practise in multiple real world scenarios already. I don’t like leaving items unfinished at all but when it’s out of your control it is what it is.