Brace Yourself for a Thrilling and Stylish Odyssey with Aliyah. A Daring and Captivating Expedition into the Vast Skies of Aviation & Beyond! Contact for all work opportunities/collaborations and enquiries/requests for services now :D! The Future is Here. Please Note, Availibility is Limited. Love Aliyah :D X.

Ali's Writing Excerpts.


She saw it
She knew she did
Why did nobody else???
Her mind ran through the forest as she was certain she was going to faint… but she was certain she had seen it! Where had it gone?
If only she could just get it together long enough to capture a mental image. Surely she would be able to-
Being as self-aware as one was with the heightened abilities of her bloodline, she realised she was perspiring a crazy amount and had completely zoned out for a time.
Realising she had about 5 seconds to compose herself before appearing to have completely lost it this time, she quickly pulled on her shirt, took 5 deep breaths in through her nose exhaling gently through her mouth which began to calm her entire body..
Today was an important day, not meant to be sprinting mentally & physically on the chase.
If they found out she had completely neglected her responsibilities, there would be repercussions.
She was just completely unable to neglect the fact that capturing one image meant she would be able to compare with the studious twins Sedrick & Selwyn.
They would believe her - they already did.
Obsessed, she realised she had to leave it for today.
Her little sister, Koi came sprinting through the thicket.
β€œWhere have you been? Everyone is looking for you you know how important today is!”
In truth, Harmony did know it was β€˜technically’ an important day but as lost in the forest and dream state mental landscape as she often was, combined with tradition occasionally boring her she had needed to escape this morning no matter the formalities of being next in line.
The awkward realisation that she had in fact been gone for more than 11 hours and dusk was setting in hit her. The loss of self-control was embarrassing.
β€œHarmony, Colvyr is going to be fuming. Look at you! You are meant to be in formal wears for the ceremony. We are meeting the ____ today c’mon!”