Brace Yourself for a Thrilling and Stylish Odyssey with Aliyah. A Daring and Captivating Expedition into the Vast Skies of Aviation & Beyond! Contact for all work opportunities/collaborations and enquiries/requests for services now :D! The Future is Here. Please Note, Availibility is Limited. Love Aliyah :D X.

Surprise/Unknown D&A Tests

•July 24: Random Alcohol Breather Test PASSED ZERO•

•July 24: Random Urine Sample PASSED ZERO•

•May 24: Alcohol Breather Test PASSED ZERO•

•May 24: Urine Sample PASSED ZERO•

•January/February/March/April/June 2024: During This Period, All Random for Qty: 2/3 Early Morning Alcohol Breather Tests - PASSED ZERO•

•August 2023: Urine Sample PASSED ZERO•