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Health & Safety at Ali Industries!!

Health & Safety PSA…

Rare Ali Industries PSA:

It is a privilege to have health and safety genuinely enforced and encouraged at work - be grateful, embrace it and encourage your peers.

Can it go too far sometimes?


..Most stuff can ~ Keep each other accountable.


It is literally there for your personal benefit to prevent injury, life long conditions & death ☠️ yourself & peers included as per the act of 1974.

Why do companies encourage it? What is their benefit? Well.. it’s not a good look if people are being injured every other second is it? Plus depending on how severe it is you’d have no workforce left. The law is exceptionally strong and clear on health and safety. They also have a healthier workforce so yes it does benefit them to a similar degree. 

For you:

Following policy enables you to be in better health for longer both inside and outside of work. Just think of it as you’re getting paid to spend that extra 2 minutes to put your PPE [Personal Protective Equipment] on.

If there is something you think is really super silly or causing more harm than good then go and suggest an idea/alternative/bare minimum being to raise your concerns. If you don’t raise your voice and ask for change to even be considered the change won’t even start.

There’s nothing cool about developing preventable chronic illnesses or having others injured.

 To finish this as I started ~ having H&S genuinely enforced to a strong extent is a privilege ~ please take advantage.

Stop complaining, do your training with genuine interest and intent & put your PPE on.

& Remember to raise your concerns/voice if you don’t agree with something or have ideas to improve a process or policy.

Companies Want Your Ideas.


With Love From Ali 😁.
x x x.